kelp industry in Australia.



Here at Ocean Paddock, our goal is to remain as transparent and open as possible in what we do and how we do it. In terms of how we raise funds to continue our operations, there are currently three methods.

Through voluntary donations, which we are always seeking from individuals and organisations in various forms. From financial through to in-kind support across all kinds of industries.
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Grants and Industry
Ocean Paddock also actively reviews and applies for Government and Industry grant funding to help us work on specific projects. This is done both at an individual level and in partnership with other organisations. Follow us on our socials to stay up to date with our latest grant projects.
Our raffles, which coincide with specific events and campaigns, are designed to provide a fun and rewarding way for people to get involved in supporting our cause. All proceeds from the raffles go directly towards the ongoing support and operations of Ocean Paddock.


All proceeds go towards helping the Australian Kelp industry.

Our road map starting out, is simply:

Identify Opportunities

Being an emerging industry, there is a range of challenges and obstacles we will have to overcome. Therefore our first step is to identify where we can add the most value!

Developing Strategy

Once we know where to help, it's time to figure out how we do this. Our role is to advocate, promote and support the Kelp Industry. So how we do this will take some thinking.

Advocacy & Execution

Time is of the essence, so we plan on getting to this stage as quickly as possible but not without the right method. Once we're locked and loaded, we'll be making a LOT of noise.

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